Helen Mirren Wants Gay Black Female Doctor Who | The Mary Sue

We've heard from Dame Helen Mirren on the topic of Doctor Who , in particular, the casting of the new Doctor, a few times now. But she's not done yet (or at least people aren't done asking her about it yet) and we're totally fine Continue reading

Helen Mirren Wants a Lady 'Doctor Who' – Do You Agree?

Helen Mirren speaks out about her want to see a female ' Doctor Who ', but while she doesn't think she'll get the role, we wonder if fans would accept a Time Lord Lady. Continue reading

Who Will Be the Next Doctor? « Spinoff Online – TV, Film, and …

Matt Smith is leaving Doctor Who , but before his body is even cold (or warm? are regenerations warm?) everyone seems to have an opinion about who should take over the role of the Doctor. Idris Elba! Helen Mirren! Continue reading