From Doctor Who to Star Wars – Patheos

Apparently Doctor Who was using a real-life High-Altitude Windak Pressure Suit made for the British Royal Air Force. It probably wasn't the exact same outfit in both cases. But clearly out of the two (and the costume made Continue reading

Doctor Who Peter Capaldi Eyes Teaser | The Mary Sue

It's just Peter Capaldi's eyes! And it isn't even a new shot of his eyes. It's the exact same shot we got in the 50th anniversary special! Capaldi has wonderful eyebrows, I'll grant you (sorry, Matt Smith), but this is just too far. Continue reading

Doctor Who 50th anniversary special trailers revealed – CNET

The BBC has announced the exact time the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special will be broadcast. We already knew the special (titled Doctor Who : Day of the Doctor) would air on 23 November — two weeks yesterday — but Continue reading