Why Avoiding Spoilers is More Rewarding | Doctor Who TV

For Doctor Who I used to embrace spoilers until Series Seven Part Two left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. Why you may ask? Because what I had been led to believe was the case by spoilers turned out to be better than Continue reading

'Doctor Who' Season 8: First Look at Peter Capaldi's New Costume

As tends to be the case with ' Doctor Who ' regenerations, the 2013 Christmas special “The Time of the Doctor” only afforded us the briefest of glimpses at Peter Capaldi's 12th incarnation before crashing into its usual Continue reading

Doctor Who: Cold War

It was interesting to see Doctor Who revisit the 80s situation of the Cold War, and interpose an alien into the midst of that setting, in tonight's episode “Cold War.” The classic “base under siege” type of story is, in the case of … Continue reading

'Doctor Who': Inside the cult of the British sci-fi show | PopWatch …

How do you know when a TV show has become a cult phenomenon? When its (often comparatively small) ratings are eclipsed by the wild ardor of its fans. Take the case of the British science fiction show Doctor Who , whose … Continue reading