Doctor Who: 8 things we'd like to see in the new series – Metro

With only a couple of months to go until the new series of Doctor Who , everyone's busy speculating about what delights – or horrors – might lurk within Peter Capaldi's first few episodes in the TARDIS. Here's one bucket list out Continue reading

First 50th Anniversary Casting | Doctor Who TV

ken-bones-Orlando-James-general- doctor-who -50th- The first few bits of casting for the 50th anniversary special has been revealed. No, it's not any past Doctors, unfortunately. According to his CV, actor Ken Bones is playing Continue reading

Siskoid's Blog of Geekery: Diary of the Doctor Who Role-Playing …

If you're new to role-playing, and because the Doctor Who RPG makes an excellent gateway drug, you may well be, the Diary's first few issues will speak to you directly. Its decision to act as a primer of sorts for new players … Continue reading