Matt Smith opens up over the 'real blow' of losing Amy Pond

As a centuries-old time traveler, the Doctor has lost more than one companion over the course of Doctor Who 's soon-to-be 50-year run. While most departures became a blip on the Doctor's radar (companions DO come and go), sometimes they happened to be totally heart-wrenching for our beloved Time Lord, as in the recent cases of Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) and Donna Noble (Catherine Tate). Continue reading

Look which classic Doctor Who monster is returning after 40 years

Great news, fellow Whovians! Looks like another classic Doctor Who monster is set to make its very, very long-awaited return to the beloved sci-fi series next year. Can you guess which old-time monster the Doctor (Matt Smith) and his brand-new companion Clara (Jenna-Louise Coleman) will be facing off against? Continue reading